Hayman's Rare Cut Gin 700ml 低至 $638 - 氈酒 Gin - sakechillhk
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Hayman's Rare Cut Gin 700ml (L0806)

Hayman's Rare Cut Gin 700ml

價格: $638$751

此商品買滿 $800,即可全單免費送貨!

Hayman's Rare Cut Gin 700ml

Rare Cut 以 50% 酒精度裝瓶以紀念他從事該行業 50 週年,其更⾼的裝瓶強度進⼀步提升了植物的濃郁度,從⽽創造出令人振奮的美妙口感。 舉杯慶祝的完美氈酒。


"Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."